Leave Application for Sick Leave

Leave Application for Sick Leave

Leave Application For Sick Leave
Leave Application For Sick Leave


When good health requires time off from work or school, submitting a written leave application is important. This helps to inform your boss, teacher, or manager about your health condition and rest needs. A well-written application shows accountability and facilitates communication. In this blog, we will demonstrate how to write a clear and professional sick leave application, including the essential information you should include, such as the reason for absence, duration, and a doctor’s letter if required.

Why request sick leave?

Applying for sick leave is important for several reasons:

 1. Communication:

This officially informs your employer, supervisor, or school of your illness and the need for time off.

2. Planning:

Your supervisor or teacher can schedule your absence to ensure there is no unfinished business or important work.

3. Record keeping:

A formal leave request ensures that your leave is documented for the legal purposes of pay and attendance.

4. Business Skills:

Submitting a written application shows responsibility and respect for the organization’s policies, and it is important to keep it simple, clear and accurate when writing a vacation sick leave application.

Key details to include in a sick leave application

It is important to include the following information to ensure your leave request is clear and professional.

 1. Title:

Start with a clear title such as “Applying for sick leave.”

2. Why take a break:

Briefly state that you are unwell and need a break.

3. Vacation Period:

State the exact date you need a vacation or a likely date if you are unsure.

4. Doctor’s note (if needed):

Some businesses or schools may require a doctor’s note, especially if your vacation is longer than a day or two.

5. Communication:

Say that you will stay in touch if it is important or something urgent needs your attention.

6. Conclusion:

I politely thank the recipient for considering your application.

Samples of leave application for sick leave

1. Application for sick leave due to fever by a student.


The Principal/Headmaster

[Name of the school]


Subject: Application for sick leave


I am writing to inform you that I have had a fever since last night. Therefore, I will not be able to attend the class today and I will probably be absent tomorrow too. Therefore, I humbly request you to grant me two days’ leave to recover.

I assure you that I will complete my homework.

Thanking You
Yours obediently,

[Your name]


[Your roll number]


















2. Application for sick leave by a student due to diarrhoea.


The Principal/Headmaster

[Name of the school]


Subject: Application for diarrhoea.


With due respect, I beg to say that I am not feeling well because of diarrhoea since last night. So, I cannot attend school. So, I request you to kindly grant me leave from [start date] to [end date], so that I can rest and get better. I will ensure to keep up on all the lessons and homework I pass over for the duration of this time.

Thank you for your know-how and for considering my request.

Yours obediently,

[Your name]


[Your roll number]



















3. Application for leave on account of injury by a student.


The Principal/Headmaster

[Name of the school]


Subject: Application for leave due to injury.


I am respectfully writing to you as I have recently been badly injured in a bike accident and am unable to attend school. The doctor advised me to rest for a few days to recover properly. Therefore, I request you to kindly grant me leave from [start date] to [end date].

During this time, I will complete all the missed lessons and homework. I will contact my classmates to stay updated on schoolwork.

Thank you for understanding and granting me leave. I hope to return to school after I am fully recovered.

Yours obediently,

[Your name]


[Your roll number]




















4. Application for leave by a student due to stomach ache.


The Principal/Headmaster

[Name of the school]


Subject: Application for leave due to stomach pain.


Most Respectfully, I want to inform you that I have had severe stomach pain since last night. So, I will not be able to attend school today. The doctor and have been advised to take a day of rest to recover fully.

So, I kindly request your approval for leave on [date]. I assure you that I will complete the missed lessons during my absence.

Thank you for understanding and granting me leave. I hope to return to school after I am fully recovered.

Yours obediently,

[Your name]


[Your roll number]




















5. Application for leave by a student due to severe back pain.


The Principal/Headmaster

[Name of the school]


Subject: Application for leave due to stomach pain.


My name is [Name]. I am a student of class [Class]. With respect, I beg to say that I am writing to request medical leave due to severe back pain. I have consulted a doctor, who has advised me to rest for a few days to recover fully. So, I am unable to attend classes during this time.

Kindly request you to grant me leave from [start date] to [end date]. After I recover, I will make sure to complete the missed classes.

Thank you for considering my request.

Yours obediently,

[Your name]


[Your roll number]




















6. Application for half leave by a student due to illness.


The Principal/Headmaster

[Name of the school]


Subject: Application for half leave due to stomach pain.


My name is [Name]. I am a student of class [Class]. With due respect, I beg to say that I have been feeling unwell since morning. I attended the class today But now I can’t sit in the class anymore because of a fever and headache.

kindly request that you grant me half of the leave. I will make sure to complete the missed lessons once I recover.

I shall be grateful to you for this act of kindness.

Yours obediently,

[Your name]


[Your roll number]




















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Leave Application Format

Applications in English

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