One Word Substitution

One-word substitution is the use of one word in place of a wordy phrase in order to make the sentence structure clearer to understand.
S.N. | Sentences | One Word |
1 | A meal is eaten in the evening or at night. | Dinner |
2 | A meal is eaten in the middle of the day. | Lunch |
3 | Father and mother. | Parents |
4 | Mother of husband. | Mother-in-law |
5 | Father of husband. | Father-in-law |
6 | Wife of the son. | Daughter-in -law |
7 | Husband of the daughter. | Son-in-law |
8 | Sister of the wife. | Sister-in-law |
9 | Father one’s father. | Grandfather |
10 | Brother of the father. | Uncle |
11 | Wife of uncle. | Aunt |
12 | Son or daughter of uncle. | Cousin |
13 | Wife of the king. | Queen |
14 | Husband of the queen. | King |
15 | A period of 365 days. | Year |
16 | A period of 12 months. | Year |
17 | A period of 30 days. | Month |
18 | A period of 7 days. | Week |
19 | A period of 100 years. | Century |
20 | A period of 60 minutes. | Hour |
21 | A period of 60 seconds. | Minutes |
22 | A period of 24 hours. | Day |
23 | The day before the day. | Yesterday |
24 | Day after day | Tomorrow |
25 | One who cannot see. | Blind |
26 | One who cannot hear. | Deaf |
27 | One who cannot speak. | Dumb |
28 | A person who makes furniture. | Carpenter |
29 | A person who makes and repair thing made of iron. | Blacksmith |
30 | A person who makes gold ornaments. | Goldsmith |
31 | A person who buys and sells goods. | Merchant |
32 | A person who writes poems. | Poet |
33 | A person who lives in the village. | Villager |
34 | A person who lives near one’s house. | Neighbour |
35 | A person who teaches students. | Teacher |
36 | A person who steals. | Thief |
37 | A person who stitches clothes. | Tailor |
38 | A person who treats sick persons. | Doctor |
39 | The place where sick and wounded persons are kept. | Hospital |
40 | The place where food is cooked. | Kitchen |
41 | The place where the train stops. | Station |
42 | An organisation for keeping and lending money. | Bank |
43 | A person who deals with court cases. | Lawyer |
44 | A piece of land surrounded by water. | Island |
45 | A place where students go to study. | School |
46 | A person growing crops. | Farmer |
47 | Home of birds. | Nest |
48 | Home of the king | Palace |
49 | A place of worship for Hindus. | Temple |
50 | A place of worship for Muslims. | Masjid |
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